Saturday, June 8, 2013

Baxter, Bailey and Associates Video

If you are a trucking company that hasn't been paid by a freight broker watch this video to see why the only company you should call is Baxter, Bailey and Associates!  They have the know how knowledge and leverage to have the best chance at recovering funds for you.

There are other collection agencies that dabble in transportation, there are even a few brokers that have set up collection agencies so they would have leads to which shippers are looking for new brokers, because the previous one didn't pay.  

There is only one transportation exclusive collection agency that has 3500 carriers and over 50 factoring companies it represents and that in turn means they represent 10s of thousands of trucks on the road.  That company is Baxter, Bailey and Associates.  They have grown quite a bit since this video and that just means that there is more leverage, when they go after a broker, shipper or consignee.

What the video to see how and why Baxter, Bailey and Associates works...then realize they now represent 3x as many carriers.

So instead of the 1200 carriers, now its 3500+  And many times that receive the broker watch list each week, so you can rest assured they will have the best chance of having debt similar to yours, which really creates a great amount of leverage.

Baxter, Bailey and Associates Payments

Baxter, Bailey and Associates

If you owe money to a delivery carrier, Baxter, Bailey and Associates may have contacted you in order to collect the debt. Baxter, Bailey and Associates is a company that is solely focused on handling transportation debts. They believe that delivery carriers are owed money and will work for their clients to get them the money they deserve. They have methods of collecting debt to try to get their clients what they are looking for. If they are unable to collect a debt working with the company, they may take the case to court, and if it comes down to it, go through litigation.

How To Pay Baxter, Bailey and Associates

Baxter, Bailey and Associates has made it simple to make payments through several options. If you have to make a payment to Baxter, Bailey and Associates, contact the collector directly to arrange for payment.  Depending on the exact paperwork involved other people may be liable than the actual broker, because the broker is really just an agent and doesn't actually do the work.


Friday, June 10, 2011

Baxter, Bailey and Associates

Whether you have heard of Baxter, Bailey and Associates or not, you may not fully understand exactly what we do.  We are a commercial collection agency, that only collects unpaid freight debt.  So if a broker can't or won't pay a trucking company or factoring company, well, that's where we come in.

Even if you knew all that, you may not of known that the majority of our business is collecting from third parties.  So if a broker goes out of business, or goes bankrupt, that is where we come in.  Also, when a broker goes onto a load board and pulls a double broker scam and disappears, we can still get you paid.

The key to our success is that we have so many clients.  We work with over 1300 carriers, and quite a few of the top factoring companies in transportation.  Why does that matter?  Because if someone hasn't paid you for a freight bill, there is a 98% chance that they haven't paid one of our clients.  This means we have more leverage to collect for you.  We can bundle your debt, with another companies, and use that to get you a positive resolution that might not be possible otherwise.

Obviously each case is different.  Call me today to discuss exactly how Baxter, Bailey and Associates can help you.
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