Friday, June 10, 2011

Baxter, Bailey and Associates

Whether you have heard of Baxter, Bailey and Associates or not, you may not fully understand exactly what we do.  We are a commercial collection agency, that only collects unpaid freight debt.  So if a broker can't or won't pay a trucking company or factoring company, well, that's where we come in.

Even if you knew all that, you may not of known that the majority of our business is collecting from third parties.  So if a broker goes out of business, or goes bankrupt, that is where we come in.  Also, when a broker goes onto a load board and pulls a double broker scam and disappears, we can still get you paid.

The key to our success is that we have so many clients.  We work with over 1300 carriers, and quite a few of the top factoring companies in transportation.  Why does that matter?  Because if someone hasn't paid you for a freight bill, there is a 98% chance that they haven't paid one of our clients.  This means we have more leverage to collect for you.  We can bundle your debt, with another companies, and use that to get you a positive resolution that might not be possible otherwise.

Obviously each case is different.  Call me today to discuss exactly how Baxter, Bailey and Associates can help you.
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